April 30 Minute Message

Apr 30, 2015Tom Ellsworth

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According to laugh expert Robert Provine, who has studied laughter for 30 years, the average adult laughs around 20 times per day or some 540,000 times in a lifetime. In contrast we cry 3,000 times during our earthly journey. Hi I’m Tom Ellsworth from Sherwood Oaks Christian Church with a minute message.

That study reminds us that most of life is filled with much more laughter than tears. That’s good. Medical research on the effect of laughter has found, among other things, that laughter has a profound and instantaneous effect on virtually every vital organ in the body. Laughter reduces health-zapping tensions and relaxes muscle tissue. It is said that laughter, even when forced, has beneficial effects on us, both mentally and physically.

Make it one of your goals to help others laugh. This sign was seen in a waiting area – “Everyone brings joy to this office, some when they come, and others when they leave.” Let laughter be your calling card. Create a positive, even humorous environment wherever you go. Tell a funny story; read an amusing book; watch an entertaining show. God designed us to laugh – so chuckle, giggle and snicker all the way through life. The book of Proverbs is right; laughter really is good medicine!