Do You Think of Your Body as a Holy Place?

Apr 26, 2023Emily Bedwell

Do you think of your body as a holy place? A place where God is manifested for the world to see? On Sunday, Shawn challenged us to think about our bodies not just as these things we have to get us around our earthly days, but as the new temple dwelling of Christ. He said, “When Jesus walked the earth, He became the new temple. He was the dwelling place of God. If you wanted to see the glory of God, you just had to look at Jesus. But now We are that place.”

If your body is the temple of God, are you treating it as such? Are you taking care of it, nurturing it, and honoring it as a part of you? Are you using that same body in a way that brings people to Jesus with your actions? Yours are the arms of God that hold the hurting. Yours are the hands of God that brush the tears from the heartbroken. Yours are the feet of God that go where others will not go to bring His message of salvation. Yours are the eyes that see all people as loved and cherished by their creator. Your body is connected to everything you do, so take the time today to honor it.