Can you imagine living in a world where everyone thinks exactly the same way? Sure, it would be nice at first. We could issue a lot of “Same-sies!” But how dull a world that would be?
I sometimes find myself taking differences in my culture for granted. I think things like “if only they parented just like I do, we could really get along”… “if only they ate just the way I do, we could share more meals together”… “if only…”
Thankfully, I often come to my senses and realize that this would not be ideal after all. The world is made up of many different types of people. The Church is made up of many different kinds of people. The church I attend on Sunday morning is made up of many kinds of people. And we are better for it. Unity in the Church, does not mean we agree on if salt goes on watermelon. Unity means we do agree on the one most important thing – we grow in the mindset of Christ together, and we follow Him.
Do differences in thinking keep you from building relationships with those around you? Are you ready to embrace some of those differences instead?