February 22 Minute Message

Feb 22, 2018Tom Ellsworth

How often during a day do you glance at your watch or look at your smart phone to check the time?  Our entire lives are ruled by the clock – what shift we work, when we eat, or how long we sleep.   You see, time is the great common denominator of humanity – a minute is always 60 seconds no matter who you are.  Hi, I’m Tom Ellsworth from the Sherwood Oaks Christian Church with a…timely, minute message.

The first Transcontinental Railroad was completed in 1869 but cross-country travel by train was extremely complicated.  The nation was divided into more than eighty different times pockets across the country.  A year after the rail line opened, Charles Dowd proposed a plan that would divide the U.S. into only four time zones.  Thirteen years later that basic concept became official and by the 20th century, the whole world had adopted zones as we know them today. 

Time is a precious gift.  It may be free but it is also priceless.  And how you use it is critical regardless of your time zone.  Once a minute has passed, we can never get it back so use your time to follow God.  Let the One who is timeless and eternal be the focus of your every moment.