The End is Near...or Maybe Not

Dec 12, 2013

The second half of the book of Daniel is full of prophecies, visions and messages from angels.  In Daniel 9, there are some interesting “specifics” about the number of days, weeks or years for something to happen.  There are many people who have voraciously devoured these prophecies and calculated times and what historical events were foretold…and they seem strikingly accurate and specific.  And then I hop online and find alternate interpretations of the lengths of time---years as opposed to weeks for example—that appeared just as accurate or specific.

As I sit and scratch my head, pondering the question, “WHO am I supposed to believe about these prophecies,” the answer becomes very clear to me:

I believe God.

I don’t know that answer about the specific lengths of times, but I DO believe in a God who demonstrated his grace and offered his people time to repent and follow his commands.  Whether he would give them 70 weeks or 490 years, the essential truth remains the same: God loves you and me and continues to offer us a chance to love him back and follow him. 

How long will you and I take to turn back each time we veer off and try doing things our own way?  I hope it’s not 490 years!