“Now Hiram king of Tyre sent envoys to David, along with cedar logs and carpenters and stonemasons, and they built a palace for David. Then David knew that the Lord had established him as king over Israel and had exalted his kingdom for the sake of his people Israel.” 2 Samuel 5:11,12 (NIV)
What is one of many common themes we see with the Kings mentioned throughout the Old Testament? Very simply, they put themselves in the place of God. Is it true what they say about power? That power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely?
What we see in David is altogether different and it’s what separates David from almost every character in the Old Testament. David shows us a heartfelt humbleness and genuine understanding of Gods plan for him. We read that David “knew”, which is a powerful message to the reader that David was unwavering in his Faith and Trust in the Lord.
David models the kind of character that all leaders should emulate. He understands that not by his hands, not by his wisdom and not by his strength was he exalted as the King of God’s people. These events occurred because God ordained them and because David stayed Faithful.
How often do we pat ourselves on the back for small or large successes in life? I’m guilty as charged. It’s easy to accomplish something great then take a step back and say, "Look how well I did" or admire your handy work. When’s the last time you heard someone give God the glory when you praised them for a great accomplishment? I’m guessing you can’t remember.
So our take home from this scripture is giving God the glory He is due. It’s unlikely that anyone reading this will be exalted as a King, but there will be many opportunities coming where God deserves the recognition and not us. Follow David’s example and point to the one who’s lifting you up and holds your life in His hands.