Tom's Minute Message (August 7)

Aug 7, 2014Tom Ellsworth

The cadence of a gentle summer rain can be peaceful but add crashing thunder, blowing wind and jagged streaks of lightening, and it becomes a frightful storm. What do you do when the mentally, emotionally, and spiritually storms turn your life into a chaotic mess? Hi I’m Tom Ellsworth from Sherwood Oaks Christian Church with a minute message.  

I appreciate how Noah faced his storms; what an incredible step of faith to build the ark. Did you know that Noah’s experience through the flood is the most precisely recorded year in the Bible? Did you know the ark’s length of six times its width and ten times its height would have made it amazingly stable on the water? Cargo ships today use similar proportions. And did you know there are no less than 268 global flood legends from various ancient civilizations? How do we account for such a permeating story if indeed nothing like that ever happened?

Storms will come – will you be ready? Noah was not saved because the ark was so seaworthy, but because God is so trustworthy.  Noah built by faith, but God made the ark endure through the chaos.  He can do the same for you if you, too, will build your life by faith.