Deeply Rooted and Built Up

Feb 9, 2024Lauren Hong

There are so many powerful images that can be used to help illuminate what the Bible is speaking into our daily, Christ-centered lives. Shawn used the image of a tree as a metaphor for our faith and how its strength is determined by the roots rather than the visible trunk. Tim spoke of a stone, insignificant and grounded on its own, but when joined with others able to be built into a majestic temple of worship to the Lord. Whatever illustration we may use, the meaning remains the same. God wants to strengthen and uphold us, to work through us so that He may be glorified. But this doesn’t happen if our faith is shallow and easily uprooted. It’s when we are rooted and maturing in Christ, when our faith digs deep and clings to God alone, then we are able to grow and bear much fruit. This is “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (1 Col. 1:27)

So how do we deepen our faith roots? Pick up your cross daily and follow Him (Matt. 16:24). Trust in the absolute authority of Jesus and allow him to be the center of your life, your decisions and your interactions with the world around you. (Col. 1:15-18, Col.2:10, Matt. 28:18). Stop making it about you. God doesn’t need us, but he wants to work with and through us. When we make it about ourselves, we diminish Christ and hinder the work of the Lord. (John 3:30, Phil. 2:3-8) Ask for discernment about the hollow and deceptive philosophies of this world. Do not give them more power than they possess and be mindful that they don’t take your attention and distract you from Jesus. (Col. 2:8) Be filled with gratitude. Gratitude is a clear indicator of mature faith, a natural byproduct of being deeply rooted in Christ. (James 1:17, 1Thes 5:18) Delight in the law of the Lord, meditate on it day and night. (Psalm 1, Joshua 1:8). God has given us His Word, His living, active and absolutely transformative Word, as we seek to live a life, worthy of the calling of the gospel.