Do you feel like you're climbing the dark?

Oct 27, 2023Allen Burris

Recently, while in Colorado to see family, I climbed the iconic Manitou Springs Incline–which is a very steep 1-mile trail. I climbed in the dark so I could see the stunning sunrise from the top.

Hi, this is Allen Burris from Sherwood Oaks Christian Church with today’s Minute Message.

The sunrise did not disappoint. It was a reward for climbing the dark. To climb in the dark, I had a little headlamp that illuminated just a few steps at a time; that’s all I needed to see–that’s really all I wanted to see.

Psalm 119:105 came to mind during the climb: Your word is a lamp to guide my feet.

God sometimes only illuminates a few steps at a time because that’s all we need. Informed by His Word, we walk by faith, trusting Him with the unknown and unseeable, believing in the end, beauty awaits.

Let me encourage you to simply keep moving forward with God one step at a time. It will be worth it all!