I love Mondays!

Sep 7, 2023Jim Clark
Mondays are my favorite day of the week!
For years, I was considered a Sunday morning employee. In church world, that often means that I get another day off during the week to compensate for working on the weekend. When my family arrived in Bloomington two years ago, I became a Monday-Friday church employee, having the weekends off, which has it's advantages.
Recently, with some changing to the staff structure, I have Sunday morning responsibilities again, meaning I now have a day off during the week again. While the obvious choice for some would be Fridays (with Saturday to have 2 days together back-to-back), I chose Mondays!
I love Mondays for a couple of reasons. 1. I'm never tempted to work on Mondays. In church world, everything drives toward Sunday. Things that don't get done on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday have to get done... on Friday, whether it's your "day off" or not. 2. While most folks are starting their week, I am free to rest. I go for a run. I play some Pokemon Go. I read. I take a nap (my kids are in school!!!). I prepare to coach my kid's soccer practice. I mow the grass. I... as Pastor Shawn said on Sunday... take time to enjoy the goodness of God and the good things in life.
Mondays are my favorite day of the week because I get to fill my tank with time with God and time enjoying life. You need intentional times of Sabbath rest. Carve out the time in your schedule and make this a priority and you'll find how much you love it too!
-Jim Clark (a big fan of Mondays)