The Powerful Message of Easter

Apr 5, 2024Carly Powell

As we reflect on the powerful message shared on Sunday, we are reminded of the Easter story and the impact it has on our lives. Just like the disciples on that first Easter morning, we too can find ourselves blinded by our circumstances, consumed by our doubts, fears, and disappointments. But the resurrection of Jesus teaches us that things are not always as they seem. Through encountering the risen Christ, we can experience renewed hope, joy, and peace. When we lift our eyes from our circumstances and fix our gaze on Jesus, the fog begins to clear, and we see Him for who He truly is - our faithful and present Savior who walks with us through every season of life.

Has the hope of Easter settled into your heart this week? Did you jump right back into your normal routine, or did you feel a shift inside you? Let's take time today to remember the importance of last Sunday!