A.D. - A New Beginning

Apr 7, 2015Tom Ellsworth

Using the backdrop of the NBC series AD – the Bible Continues, we are embarking on a study of the first century church as seen in the first ten chapters of Acts. Jesus’ game changing impact didn’t end with his death and resurrection; his astounding influence continued to spread swiftly through the ancient world. Christians, who were convinced of his resurrection, shared his message because they believed it was worth living for and dying for. We believe it still is. Twenty centuries later the new beginning in Acts is as vital as ever.


12 – Acts – Our Story, Too

19 – A New Way Begins (Acts 2)

26 – Infectious Courage (Acts 3-4)


3 – Shane Womack preaching

10 – Death by Deceit (Acts 5)

17 – Martyrdom (Acts 5-7)

24 – Going Where God Leads (Acts 8)

31 – Blinded by the Light (Acts 9)


7 – Mr. Encouragement (Acts 9)

14 – Always Doing Good (Acts 9)

21 – Foreigners in the Family (Acts 10)