As we enter the holiday season, I would like to challenge each of us to take a few moments during our regular prayer time to pray specifically for our families. Maybe you are blessed with a family that knows and loves God, and therefore, you are extremely blessed. Let us show thankfulness to God for that. However, there are so many families that will be sitting around the table this holiday season with other members of their family that do not believe, that have so many questions they wouldn’t dare to ask. Let’s pray for them. Let’s pray for conversations about Jesus and His love to come naturally.
And for those who are estranged, far away from family, or feeling alone, let us pray too. Let us pray that they don’t feel alone, even if they physically are. Let them feel the warmth and presence of Jesus. God created and designed family but that doesn’t mean all families will gather this holiday season.
If you feel a nudge to reach out to someone this season, do it! It’s not just a nudge. It’s the Holy Spirit and that call, letter, or invite might make a lot of difference – maybe even an eternal difference in the life of someone who doesn’t yet believe.