All Campus Announcements Bloomington Bedford
Follow along online this weekend! Download the free YouVersion Bible app and click the 'events' tab in the lower right corner to find us on the map or click the link below to go directly to this weekend's outline.
If you are interested in text messages about Bloomington campus specific news and information, text keyword: East to 812.324.8644 to join our texting group.
Plan to join us for one of the best nights of the year on Sunday night, September 22nd: B-Town Worship Night! Over 10 churches are joining together this year to lead us in an unforgettable night of worship! There will be food trucks available starting at 4pm with worship starting at 6pm! Bring a blanket, a lawn chair and some friends for this incredible night of worship!
Our College and Young Adults Ministry has swag for sale from My Sports Locker. Pick up a fresh t-shirt or hoodie for the fall season! The store will open through September 22.
College and Young Adult Swag Sale
Join us Sunday, October 13, 2024 for Family Commitment Sunday. Family Commitment Sunday is a special time when Sherwood Oaks celebrates the newborn children in our church family by introducing these children to the congregation, praying for the children and their families, and reflecting on the role that the church and the parents/guardians have in raising the church of the next generation. After a brief ceremony on stage, the participating families are invited to the Family Commitment Reception, where they can enjoy light breakfast snacks and take family photos. Extended family and friends are welcome to attend the ceremony and the reception. We like to personalize this event for families. So, if you have a child born in the last year and would like to participate in this event, please register by Friday, October 4, 2024.
Family Commitment 2024 Registration
Are you interested in walking where Paul walked or visiting where the Apostle John lived and wrote? Join us in 2025 for a trip to Greece and Turkey! This adventure will allow you to increase your faith as you see and experience things you have read about in the New Testament. You can find out more about the trip here. We are hosting an informational meeting at the Bloomington campus on Sunday, September 15 at 12:30pm to discuss the trip and answer any questions you may have. A light lunch will be served. If you have questions, contact Brad Pontius or Allen Burris.
Bloomington Footsteps Trip Interest Meeting Registration
Are you ready to tackle the money question: How much is enough? The answer is found in God's Word! The study, "God Owns It All," presents financial principles that are affirmed by Scripture and tested in the marketplace. This biblically based principles will equip you to approach money management and financial planning with freedom, generosity, contentment and confidence. "God Owns It All" is a 6-week study that will help you apply these timeless principles to everyday money questions. Join us beginning either Sunday September 8 (at 9:30am in room 204 or 11:00am in room 202) or Wednesday September 11 (at 6:00pm in the Fireside Room). Each participant will need a book, which will be available for purchase at the first class. Find out more and register below.
Finding your people changes everything! Your group of people might be waiting for you! Check out our groups page and take your first step toward finding your people.
The International Conference on Missions is an annual global outreach conference for the Independent Christian Churches. This year, it will be held in Lexington, KY, November 14-16 at the Central Bank Center and Rupp Arena. The registration for anyone from Sherwood Oaks who would like to attend is covered so you can attend the main sessions and workshops at no cost to you. Visit their website for more information. Contact Brad Pontius or Norma Landgraff for the free registration code.
Is your child asking about baptism? Do you wonder if they’re ready? This four week class for children and their parents facilitates discussions between you and your child and explains why we all need a Savior. At the end of the session, the class takes a field trip to the changing area and baptistry to see where it all happens. This class begins at 11:00am at our Bloomington campus and starts September 8. Recommended age: 7-12. Children should bring their own Bible (NIV or NIrV), a pencil, and a highlighter. Other materials are provided. If you have any questions about the class, please email us.
Joining God's Family Registration
Are you recently married or maybe you've been married for 50 years? Join us September 15 at 11:00am in the Fellowship Hall for our monthly Let's Talk Marriage gathering! This month, we'll be talking about "dating your spouse." Join us!
All men are invited to a fun evening of food and fellowship on Wednesday, September 11 at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall at the Bloomington Campus. We will gather to hear a message from Shawn Green and also to learn what's new to Ministry to Men this fall. Invite a friend to join you. Text MOSO to 812.324.8644 for text alerts for Bloomington's Men's Ministry.
Moms: Are you looking for a safe space to come, connect, learn and grow with other moms? Join us for mom2mom on Friday mornings from 9:30-11:00am starting on September 6 in the Fellowship Hall. We will have a program for your children and different speakers each week sharing about a different topic! Click the link below to register.
Each of us have unique gifts and abilities! God wants us to use those abilities to help build up his church! Maybe you're gifted with singing ability or maybe your gifts are in working with children, we have a place for you to serve at Sherwood Oaks. Join us in finding your place to serve. Click the link below to get started!
All middle and high school students are invited to the fall retreat at Camp Illiana October 16-18. We will meet at Sherwood Oaks before heading to the camp. We will be having intentional time with God, zip-lining, paintball and more. The cost of the retreat is $95. If you have questions, email Sarah. Click below to register.
Middle and HSM Fall Retreat Registration
Men: Join us on Wednesday nights beginning on September 18 as Allen Burris will begin an 8-week class that will explore the 7 decisions you can and should make in the present that will lead to honoring God in the future. It will help produce the life you want - one filled with peace, joy and confidence. The class is based on a book by Craig Groeschel.
Follow along online this weekend! Download the free YouVersion Bible app and click the 'events' tab in the lower right corner to find us on the map or click the link below to go directly to this weekend's outline.
If you are interested in text messages about Bedford Campus specific news and information, text keyword: "Bedford" to 812.324.8644 to join our Bedford Campus texting group.
Are you interested in walking where Paul walked or visiting where the Apostle John lived and wrote? Join us in 2025 for a trip to Greece and Turkey! This adventure will allow you to increase your faith as you see and experience things you have read about in the New Testament. You can find out more about the trip here. We are hosting an informational meeting at the Bedford Campus on Sunday, September 22 at 11:30am to discuss the trip and answer any questions you may have. A light lunch will be served. If you have questions, contact Brad Pontius or Allen Burris.
Bedford Footsteps Trip Interest Meeting Registration
Moms: Are you looking for a safe space to come, connect, learn and grow with other moms? Join us for mom2mom on Friday mornings from 9:30-11:00am starting on September 6. We will have a program for your children and different speakers each week sharing about a different topic!
Your continued financial support enables us to serve our communities and the world. *Note: On July 1, 2023, we started a new fiscal year.
In-person: 2007 | Online: 270
*We have changed how we track our online attendance. If you have specific questions about how this information is determined, email
Total: $85,613.75
FYTD Under: $155,404.34
*Recently we have made a change to how we report this number. This number now reflects the total amount over/under "budgeted giving" only. Previously, giving to the Dollar Club and special projects was included in this figure. We feel, however, that this was an inaccurate way to reflect our budgeted giving. The above number is amount above/below our budget projections for this fiscal year. If you have any questions, please contact our Business Office Manager Elizabeth Moore.
Thank you for your support.