Have you ever been able to look back at a hard financial situation and see how God was actually present and working the whole time?
I keep thinking about Shawn and Amber’s story of how they were led to adopt their beautiful first daughter. How amazing to be able to look back and see how God had been preparing them for the adoption of their baby and the birth of their second beautiful daughter shortly after.
And although I don’t have one big story that I feel expresses God’s presence in my financial life the same way the Greens experienced, I can look back and see Him in small ways all along. In those small moments after praying, a nudging told us not to make a large purchase, and something (i.e., the garbage disposal) breaking the next week. The time that several offers fell through on several homes, only to find that one smaller, affordable, and more suitable for us house, that in turn, would lead to being able to stay home with my daughter. I had no idea how strongly I’d feel about returning to work until the time came. But God knew.
And although sometimes we have to go through tough financial situations. (I am talking about the collective us – anyone that has to have money to live in this world – us.) God promises to be with us always. He is with us in our finances. He hears our prayers about money struggles. He has provided us with scriptures and resources to get through these complex situations.
I challenge you this week to take some time to pray about your finances, to wait on a decision on a large purchase, or to seek financial advice before making a big move. You may never know how God is working until you look back days or years from now.