Perhaps one of the greatest mysteries is how God has chosen to live inside each one of us. If we believe that Jesus is the Messiah, then our bodies are the Holy Spirit’s dwelling place. Shawn made an excellent point of this when he preached on Sunday as he spoke about the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Jews believe the presence of God still dwells in that structure. They pray and worship and read Scripture and bow to Jehovah, not realizing that each of them can become their own Western Wall – a place where the Lord resides.
One point worth nailing home here is how we carry ourselves through our daily business if the world’s Creator is always within us. In our actions, do we represent Jesus and His Kingship? With our words, do we speak the language that God speaks? Every time God‘s presence shows up in the Bible, it’s unmistakable to everyone who witnesses it. When you show up, do you let the Lord show up with you?