Man, every time I see myself in the mirror I’m reminded of how my body probably isn’t in the state God originally intended. Between back pain showing up unannounced, carbs piling up in every recipe, and my step count looking like my savings account, I have a long way to go before my physique mirrors the heavenly.
Shawn spoke of guarding against sexual habits that dishonor our Father as demonstrated by the church in Corinth, but along with that means treating our body (and everyone else’s) as the immutable likeness of our God Himself. That “just because we have an appetite,” we are under no obligation to satisfy it. As crazy and un-American as it sounds, I probably shouldn’t stuff myself with the fattest foods simply because my body belongs to God and I need to be a good steward of it. After all, He’s given us only one for this whole life!
So next time the cravings kick in, be it for sex or for food or a high, offer that appetite to God and honor Him with the choice you make.