Oh Roundabouts...

May 2, 2024Jim Clark
Inspired by Matt's recent message I have to say, I am definitely better than just about anyone in Bloomington at the roundabout...
Bloomington and Monroe County loves its roundabouts. But there are so many people who don't know how to round-about. And I constantly find myself offended by their lack of going... lack of moving... lack of rounding... and total lack of abouting...
But as we have been working through this series over the last several weeks, I have been reading the book "Unoffendable" by Brant Hanson (the book that the series is based off of). He offended me from the start with his premise: being offended is a choice.
His point: I have the choice of whether I will be offended. On the road, in line at Panera Bread getting coffee, in my neighborhood and definitely in the roundabout. Being offended is a choice. Just because I like the choice and make it often, doesn't mean I have to choose that. It's hard. But I'm trying to "choose" to not be offended so often. Especially in the round-about.
Jim Clark
Professional Roundabouter