Raise a hallelujah in the presence of our enemies! Our enemies love to get into our thoughts keeping us from being who God wants us to be - His beloved children. Hallelujah is a super praise that speaks over our enemies. This word, hallelujah, is used only four times in the New Testament. It is the word that heavenly host used to praise God. Translating it literally, it means "Praise You Yahweh." In other terms, "Praise You, Lord."
One of the best ways to wait on God and overcome the things in our life is to sing out praises to God. Hallelujah is a special word. It is the word that we will use in heaven. Our enemies do not like it.
The most effective way to help God’s kingdom, our families, and even those who don’t know the Lord is to live a life praising God every day!
When we focus on heavenly vision, we are joining all of our brothers and sisters in heaven, who do this, and know the great power of what it means to say hallelujah to our God!