God’s people praising the Lord is a special time of God's presence.
God is our shepherd. He knows what we need. Sheep need help. Without a shepherd they are defenseless. We are sheep against Satan. Spiritual attacks always follow when we get away from the Shepherd. We stay connected to the Shepherd when we are in prayer, Bible study, and worship.
We need to listen to the Shepherd. Trust, love, respect, and obey. Each of us needs to examine when we are obedient to Him.
The Lord is MY shepherd. We must stop before we act on our own. Say the "Lord my shepherd". Keep saying it. Practicing it. And the times when you feel close to God, say the "Lord is my Shepherd" and praise God. During the times when you’re falling away, say the "Lord is my Shepherd" and praise God. I must return. I must always center myself and concentrate myself back on the Lord being my Shepherd.
He knows what our purpose is, and He is leading us to rest, work, relationships, through storms, and mostly to be who He created us to be. His people will live in heaven forever.
Psalm 51 shows us that God Shepherded David through His sin.
Lord, help me overcome the fear of not being in control. God is with us. He comforts us with His presence and with other sheep who need Him.
Our cup is always full with God. Sometimes we have people that just drain our cup. They wear us out. There are other people who are in the presence of God and have our cup filling - overflowing. Because we experience God with them.
God is our temple, our home. We will dwell with Him forever.