What do you think of when you hear the word “worship”? Do you think of that time slot on a Sunday morning? Or maybe a stuffy religious experience? What about a style of music?
Hi I’m Quentin Bemis from Sherwood Oaks with the Minute Message.
Our culture often links “worship” with an event or music, but true worship is so much bigger than that. Zach Neese, in his book How to Worship a King, describes worship as “worthship”, the process of ascribing worth or value to something or someone.
Both the Greek and Hebrew words for “worship” most often used in the Bible have literal translations meaning “to bow down or prostrate one’s self.”
Paul says in Romans 12 to “offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. This is your true worship.”
Worship was never meant to be an event or a style. It’s always been about our heart posture and the way we choose to live. Reflect today on how you can worship Jesus in every moment, not just on Sundays. Choose to live out worship for Jesus today.