“Run home, Holy Child, with all your heart and soul to your faithful God.”
This quote from Beth Moore in her study on the book of Daniel has stuck with me for well over a decade since the first time I heard it. There is something so beautiful and comforting to me in these words. This is how the Holy Spirit speaks to us: with conviction, but always in love, and always towards the Father. (“But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own, but whatever He hears, He will speak.” John 16:13)
Sometimes we experience feelings of guilt and shame over what we have done or choices we have (or have not) made, as the Spirit nudges us to stop or to shift, to turn away from something and turn (back) to the path of righteousness. Sometimes we choose to ignore that small voice encouraging us to turn from our wrongs and choose to follow God. It’s certainly not always easy, but it is always worth it. It is always worth it to run home to our faithful father, who is waiting for us with open arms. (“The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms…He is your shield and helper and your glorious sword.” Deuteronomy 33:27,29)
By the Spirit of God, dwelling within us, we have been granted access to the presence of God! The Spirit is our advocate, our helper and guide, our paraclete. And he leads us to the Father. Satan the accuser, condemns us, shames us, and makes us want to run away and hide. As Shawn said on Sunday, “the difference between conviction and condemnation is where it makes you want to run.”
So where are you running? Which voice are you listening to?
To the world around you that says it’s ok to do whatever you want, whatever “makes you happy.”?
To the enemy who feeds you lies and condemns you for your sin?
Or to the Holy Spirit, who lovingly and firmly calls out your sin while nudging you toward the Father of forgiveness?
Where are you running today? Where is the Holy Spirit leading you? Who are you listening to?
Stop running away, running to a world of sin and shame that leads to brokenness and death.
WE ARE CHILDREN OF GOD. (Romans 8:16 proclaims, “The spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.”)
So RUN HOME, holy child, run home.