God Loves a Cheerful Giver

Jan 16, 2023Carly Powell

Money. It’s one of the most significant argument starters in our homes. You must have it to live in this world, but it can sometimes come at a cost. I certainly struggle with the idea of paying off debt vs. giving. In our house, we have made it a priority to do both. But at the end of the day, I still sometimes struggle with what that looks like. Am I giving enough that it even makes a difference? Should we focus on paying off everything first and then giving? Personally, I feel it’s a balance we must keep checking in on constantly. No, we don’t have to look at our bank account 5 times a day. But we do have to be diligent in keeping track of where our money is going. We do have to turn to the Word of God and look for advice and wisdom on where our money should be going. We do have to continue to pay things like taxes and mortgages. But God does love when we give and especially when that giving comes from our hearts and not solely out of our feelings of obligation.

2 Corinthians 9:7 says Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

And how true that is. God does love a cheerful giver. If you can give a dollar or one thousand dollars and you choose to give, God honors that gift. Doesn't it also cause a heart transformation in us when we give cheerfully? I know it blesses me as much as those gifted when I give!

Do you find it hard to balance giving and paying off debt sometimes? What has helped you find the balance you need?