Is There a Difference Between Existing and Genuinely Living?

Mar 15, 2023Emily Bedwell

Is there a difference between existing and genuinely living?

That was the question Ben asked on Sunday, and it’s a question I’ve asked myself repeatedly during my life. Because, at the end of the day, there is a huge difference between going through the motions of life and genuinely living. Existing is about what happens between today and tomorrow; genuine life is about the bigger story – the story that God is trying to tell through you. It’s so easy to go through the motions and just exist. The world is hard and complicated, and genuine life can feel like it takes more WORK than you think you have in you. Existing is safe and makes going to sleep at night easier. Genuine life is about risking it all – not for rewards or prestige, but to find that thing that brings you closest to your Creator – the thing that brings you to life in Him and for Him. Take a moment right now and answer this:

In your job, in your homelife, in your relationships, in the church, in your community, are you existing or are you living? Are you making it safely through each day, content you’ve done JUST enough, or are you pushing at the very edges of what feels like existing to really live in the absolute fullness of Christ?