Real rest is to rest with and by God's word.
God places us in positions of influence, with family, friends, etc. This influence comes when we teach each other to rest and be loved by God.
Rest is God’s presence.
May God bless and protect you. May God show you favor and be gracious to you. May God show you kindness and grant you peace.
Life’s priorities. Love is of course number one but rest is very important.
His yoke is easy. This world’s tasks are a burden. If you try to keep up with them, you will never find rest. Life's tasks are never ending. Jesus demonstrated why He rested. He even took a break and then started over.
God is always helping us to rest and then we learn to live in God's love and rest.
Jesus calls us into rest. He wants us to learn to rest even in a storm of laundry. But we have to be intentional to rest with God. Enjoy him and our loved ones.
Model God's love by listening to each other. Understand each other, model grace, and encourage each other to become our best. Tell each other the good things you see - things you are proud of and thankful for.
Make plans to truly know each other and create a habit of it. Ask the questions: who, what, when, where, how and why! Families that spend this time do well because they are living the way God wants and plans do not fail.
God’s Word with pray works. It is so simple and effective - nothing like it works to overcome the traps of this life. Jesus has given us an easy ask task. Even children understand the need for rest.
Being intentional with God‘s habits will intentionally bring his blessings, because he is a God of love, and it simply works. Rest and count on the fact He is wise, and he is working.
God is intentionally working in our lives from his plan for our lives to bring about the good He has planned for us. One of the most important things we must do is rest in the knowledge that He loves us. He has plans for us and there are simply just times He wants us to do nothing but just be with him doing nothing.