That "Deserved" Rest Vs. God's Rest

May 16, 2024Carly Powell

On Mother’s Day, my husband and I served in Children’s Ministry in our daughter’s preschool classroom. We had 18 children. We missed the next sermon in the series about rest. I did have time to go back and listen to it this week – praise the Lord - what a powerful sermon!

As I was serving out the goldfish crackers, cutting out extra crafts, dancing and singing with the kids, giving out hugs, and preparing my louder than usual mom/teacher voice, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed for a moment. It was Mother’s Day after all and instead of getting the break I totally “deserved” as a mother, I was hanging out with my kid and 17 of her closest friends. This didn’t feel restful. This didn’t feel like a special Mother’s Day moment. For one whole hour. One hour of my entire 24 hours and I was slightly complaining in my head. What’s wrong with me? I know I am only human but how could I complain? The parents of these children, the Children’s Ministry, AND God were entrusting me to love and care for these children – to teach them about the most important thing FOR ONE HOUR. When I came to realize this, I took a deep breath and tried to soak in the rest of all the moments in that classroom!

I’ll admit, I still was pretty exhausted after serving Sunday morning BUT I realized how blessed I am to have gotten to serve with the kids. I hope their parents got a moment of rest. I hope the kids knew just how loved they are. And I hope God has forgiven me for that moment of complaining.

I hope you find some rest today and also know how blessed you are!