We Get SO Distracted!

Apr 20, 2024Dana Wade

If we ever feel like we are being punished because life is hard or things are not going our way, maybe we are. The Bible talks about how God is a jealous God, and we get so distracted - whether it be by fads, dreams, or the things that are going wrong. He becomes an after thought. We become so distracted that we 1) are no longer properly aligned with the right priorities 2) we cannot hear God as well as we did once before. Even though we do this again and again, He is still devoted to us and loves us so much that He “buys” us back - even though He already “owns” us. (Hosea 3:1-5)

But why do we feel “pain and suffering” like this when God hasn’t forsaken us? Because we have experienced fullness and richness of God pouring out His blessings when we were less distracted and fully devoted to Him. God will bless us, unmeasurably, if we properly respect Him. (Deuteronomy 31:15-19 & James 4:4-5)