Marriage Ministry

Married-Life Ministry Connect Groups


Nearly and Newly Marrieds Group

Simply a group of nearly and newly married couples that have a desire to grow deeper in our relationships with each other and with Jesus. Our group is currently meeting on Sunday Afternoons at 4:30 at the leaders home, usually every other week. We also enjoy fun life events together, such as celebrating holidays, meeting up for ice cream, or having game nights as a group. We would love for you to join us for this time of study and encouragement!

Click Here for More Information

Here are some helpful resources if you are already married or getting married.


Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

It is the goal of Sherwood Oaks Christian Church to lead couples to a God-honoring marriage. Our desire is that marriage be the happiest relationship possible and that it be all God intended it to be. We will work together to provide you a strong foundation for your marriage and a wedding that will give you cherished memories.  We are excited to walk alongside you for this special day. Please take time to read through the provided information about getting married at Sherwood Oaks Christian Church. These guidelines are in place so that our staff and your wedding party are aligned with the expectations.

Wedding Information

If we can offer you what you need for your wedding, please continue with the process by filling out the Wedding Interest form with your wedding details. Once you submit the form we will review the policy guidelines with you and work to reserve your desired date. After choosing a date, your $100 deposit will let us know that you agree with the information provided above, and we will begin working together to make your wedding a special event. If you have questions, please email Donna.

Wedding Interest Form

We have marriage mentors who will walk with you and share tips, tools and techniques for reconnecting with your spouse and rekindling your relationship. Using the Prepare & Enrich program, we focus on communication, conflict resolution, roles, sexuality, finances, spiritual beliefs and more. Typically you will meet with your mentor couple for 4-6 sessions, arranged at a mutually convenient time.  

Submit this form to get started or contact Nancy with any questions.   

With over 40 years of research validation, Prepare/Enrich has proven itself to be the most trusted, comprehensive relationship assessment for couples at any stage of life.  

The Prepare/Enrich assessment has been proven to decrease the risk of divorce by 30%. (Stanley, Amato, Johnson & Markman, 2006) 

The Prepare/Enrich assessment has been proven to increase relationship skills and satisfaction. (Larson, J.H., Vatter, R.S., Galbraith, R.C., Holman, T.B. & Stahmann, R.F. (2007), Knutson, L. & Olson, D.H. (2003), Worthington, E.L., McCullough, M.E., Shortz, J.L., Mindes, E.J., Sandage, S.J. & Chartrand, J.M. (1995))  

Prepare/Enrich and components of the assessment have been mentioned in over 1,200 peer reviewed journal articles, making it one of the most researched assessment tools.  

The Prepare/Enrich worldwide network consists of over 200,000 Certified Facilitators from a wide variety of backgrounds and professions - from pastors to therapists to social workers to marriage mentors.  

Over 4 million couples have taken the Prepare/Enrich assessment. 

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