We have no say in the world we were given, but we do have a say in the world we will leave behind. And the world we are leaving behind looks increasingly dangerous and hopeless.
We do not presume to speak for or stand in the shoes of law enforcement and try to understand what it means to leave their loved ones in the morning not knowing if they will return home alive that night.
We do not presume to speak for or stand in the shoes of our African-American brothers and try to understand what it means to leave their loved ones in the morning not knowing if they will return home alive that night.
The events of this past week have reminded us that we are far from a perfectly safe and perfectly just society. And the roots of our disease stretch far into our past. We will not eradicate those this morning.
But as followers of Christ we do what is given to us to do. We commit to being the hands, the voice, the ears and eyes of Jesus in our community. To be quick to listen, slow to speak and even slower to become angry, because human anger has never produced a godly outcome.
This morning we will pause and pray for the families and loved ones of those who injured or killed. We ask you to pray both for the peace and well-being of our African American brothers and sisters in our nation and those who have taken an oath to serve and protect this nation.