April 12 Minute Message

Apr 11, 2018Tom Ellsworth

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Basketball great, LeBron James said, “I'm going to use all my tools, my God-given ability, and make the best life I can with it.”  Hi, I’m Tom Ellsworth from Sherwood Oaks Christian Church with a minute message. 

I’m fascinated with the way God equips his creation.  Not long ago we spotted a large owl gliding through the small woods behind our house.  It’s unusual to see one during the day since they have the tools for feeding at night.  Unlike most birds, the owl’s flight is imperceptible.  It silently wings its way through the air with velvety surface feathers and comb-like serrations on both the leading and trailing edges of their wings.  Owls are the original stealth fighters seizing their prey without any warning.  What’s more, the silent flight characteristics enable the owl to hear better and more easily locate his next meal.   You see, they have the right tools.  And did you know that owl wings have already inspired quieter fan blades in computers?  

If God can so equip the owls of the air, he will provide what we need for everyday living.  Let’s take up the challenge; let’s use all our God-given abilities and tools to make the best life we can.