April 6 Minute Message

Apr 6, 2017Tom Ellsworth

The unleashed muscle of a V-8 engine and the destructive force of a forest fire each begin with the same source – a tiny spark.  Hi, I’m Tom Ellsworth from Sherwood Oaks Christian Church with a minute message.

Have you ever considered the power of a spark?  While hardly visible and lasting only for a split second, its destructive potential is overwhelming. No wonder the New Testament uses it as an analogy for the destructive power of the human tongue.  Just as a mighty fire is kindled by a tiny spark, so a world of hurt and pain can be ignited by a little tongue.  Ironic, isn’t it?  Most every other muscle tires with exercise except for the tongue which seems fueled with use. We get hot under the collar; fiery words lead to searing tempers and heated conversations.  Feelings get scorched, and relationships are left smoldering in the wake of our uncontrolled speech.  The modern fire extinguisher was first invented in 1818 and through the years has prevented a lot of damage, but unfortunately no one has invented a fire extinguisher for the tongue.  So be careful when you speak; guard what you say.  Choose your words wisely – make sure they only spark helpful and encouraging conversations.