Fall Seven Times and Get Up Eight

Jan 1, 2014Tobin Wingard

Read Mark Chapter 14

In my reading of Mark 14, I was particularly struck with the intensity, suspense, and drama contained therein. On vivid display is treachery, conspiracy, betrayal, controversy, prejudice, rebuke, honor, prophecy, hope, desperate prayer, temptation, violence, denial, false accusations, condemnation, and beatings.

Once again, with so many intricate storylines and insights to consider the prospect of writing on any one of them seems daunting. I found myself returning to and pondering the prophecy of Jesus when he told his disciples, "...you will all fall away." (Mark 14:27a).

While this may not be one of the most uplifting declarations of Jesus to meditate on, I do believe there is great wisdom to be gained by this prophecy. The word "fall" in this context literally means "to stumble." While Jesus was clearly speaking in regards to the spiritual falling away of his disciples subsequent to the smiting of the Shepherd, the reality is that we ALL will fall away (stumble) at some point.

In the natural realm I deal with falls on a regular basis in my practice as a physical therapist. When some people fall, very minor injuries occur, while for others their falls can be life-threatening. When evaluating a patient, the specific risk factors which contributed to the fall are identified (weakness, balance/visual deficits, poor exercise habits, and environmental obstacles). A plan is then established to address those risk factors for the purpose of preventing future falls. I even teach people how to fall, once loss of balance has occurred, to minimize potential injury. Did you know that the very fear of falling is a major risk factor associated with falls? Did you know that for the elderly, falling is the leading cause of premature death? Most often it is not the fall itself that results in death but after effects associated with immobility and inactivity that lead to the downward spiral in function. There are so many parallels between the natural/physical and spiritual realms so put on your "spiritual thinking caps" to dig deeper. We would do well to seek our Lord through prayer and study to identify in our own lives those risk factors (spiritually) that predispose us to falling.

As we stand at the precipice of a whole new year, full of promise and incredible opportunity, may we discipline ourselves to establish healthy habits of spiritual and physical exercise. May we commit to daily seeking God through intimate prayer and study of His glorious Word. May we continue to rise up, (even after the inevitable falls that will come), and serve our King Jesus well.