Follow Jesus' Pattern

Nov 7, 2013

Have you ever tried to make multiples, cut out a cloth or wood pattern several times?  Tried to follow a map drawn from memory? It doesn’t take long before the last does not resemble the original. Psalm 119 tells us to follow the right, or original way, if we want to go toward our God. The Bible is God's owner’s manual. It tells us the right way to live. When you are trying to recreate an original design, you use the original pattern. If you allow one part to direct the next part it and so on, you will find yourself down the proverbial ‘garden path’, nowhere near the original. You will not have stayed the course. Why are things in our lives going so horribly wrong? I think it is because we have lost our sights on the pattern.  This Psalm reminds us to ask God to seek us when we have wandered away, down the garden path, that  slippery slope.

Fortunately, God knew we would need a pattern to see and copy. That is why He sent Jesus. If God, the Creator, had a design for mankind then He knew we would need to see what that looked like in the flesh. Not the man we had become, far removed from the original design,  but the one He found both beautiful and pleasing in His eyes