January 11 Minute Message

Jan 11, 2018

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A hypocrite is one who says, “don’t judge me by my past” but won’t let go of yours. Hi, I’m Tom Ellsworth from Sherwood Oaks Christian Church with a minute message.

All of us struggle with the issue of consistency at times, but nothing detracts from our credibility like blatant hypocrisy.  Consistency doesn’t happen in a person’s life without effort.  The world’s only Tabasco plant is located on Avery Island, Louisiana and produces 500,000 bottles of the spicy-hot, red liquid daily.  The next time you are grocery shopping, take a look at the consistent color of each bottle of Tabasco sauce, and then realize that no “coloring” is added.  During the pepper harvest, workers are sent into the fields with a little red stick.  Only those peppers which are the exact size and color of the stick are used in the production of Tabasco – there is nothing artificial about it.

God didn’t provide us with a little red stick to teach us about consistent living, he gave us something far more powerful.  From the wisdom of his written word to the incomparable example of the life of Jesus Christ, God has challenged us to live consistently.  Make sure there is nothing artificial about your true colors!