
Sep 6, 2013Elizabeth Moore

Genesis 25:19-34, 27:1, 28:22 (NIV)Elizabeth Moore

It’s safe to say that Jacob and Esau literally never got along with one another. Even in the womb they fought and the scriptures tell us that Rebekah says, “Why is this happening to me?” Although in my mind, I imagine she yelled it out for all to hear.

Fast-forward to an afternoon where Esau comes in starving after a day of hunting and smelling some wonderful stew that Jacob has made, makes a rash decision to give his birth rite over to Jacob just for that stew. Hunger pangs can do that. I’ve never starved so I don’t know what I would give up for some stew.

But there is another pang just as strong and I wonder if I, and maybe you, relate to it a bit better. Rebekah and Jacob did not forget that Esau sold his birth rite and so Jacob pretended to be Esau as their father gave the blessing at the end of his life. Pangs of power can do that.

I’ve been wondering lately if the need for power is just as basic as the need for hunger. I can’t answer that question, but I do like mulling it over a little. In a fallen world, are food, clothing, and shelter really the only basic needs we have? Or are needs that we can’t see just as strong? Like love, greed, fear, importance, status.

A thoughtful prayer could include this phrase: God, let me care about what you care about. Instead of caring about my own hunger pangs, maybe I should care about others who are starving. Instead of caring about my own “power pangs” maybe I should care that God’s power win out over all else.