2 Thessalonians 3:1-5
This message is so relevant to us today, and really gives us three really good insights into prayer.
One: We can pray that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly, and be honored. I don’t know about you, but it has been a while that I prayed anything like that. I tend to think about my little world and all that is going on with me. God helps us think outwardly, instead of inwardly.
Two: pray that we are delivered from wicked and evil people. Again, this is not something that always comes to my mind. Maybe after I read a passage like this that reminds me how important it is, but my first, and even my second thought when it comes to praying does not involve praying that I may be delivered from evil.
Three: praise God! The Lord is faithful; He will give us strength and protect us. Have confidence that the Lord will take care of you, and direct your heart into God’s love, and Christ’s perseverance.
Just like anything in life we have to be intentional in our prayers. Along with the Lord’s Prayer, we have this passage and others like it to help guide our prayer life. Pray for things that have eternal value. Pray outwardly (for others), and not always inwardly (for self). There is a balance to find in this.