Read Colossians 2:16-23
I recently attended an intensive and extensive course at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago on Vestibular Rehabilitation. This area of practice as a physical therapist is related to helping people with disorders of balance and vertigo. While studying The anatomy and influence of the central nervous system I was once again reminded of the incredible truth contained in Psalms 139:14 where the Scripture says, "...For we are fearfully and wonderfully made". The vast circuitry of neural networks that exist within our body is absolutely astonishing!
In reading through this section of scripture in Colossians I was reminded how critical it is that we stay connected to the body of Christ in the tangible ways and remain submitted to Jesus, our "head". I especially like verse 19 wherein is described how critical it is that we hold, " to the head, from whom the entire body, being supplied and held together by the joints and ligaments, grows with the growth which is from God". Our connectivity to God is dependent on both our connectivity to the "head" Jesus, as well as other parts of the body of Christ. Take notice of the fact that growth which is from God occurs in the context of "joints and ligaments". These incredible structures in the body do not exist in isolation. So it is that we as Christ followers must always remain connected in healthy and nurturing relationships with other parts of His body. Neglecting to do so will definitely lead to serious spiritual imbalance.