
Nov 18, 2022Jim Clark
The oft used phrase "Teamwork makes the dream work" can be attributed to leadership guru John Maxwell. As I listened to Pastor Shawn's message on Sunday from the Church Matters series, Maxwell's quote came to mind.
I think that's what drew me first to team sports as a middle school student and continues to draw me to coaching high school sports now that I'm in my 40's. The idea that a group of players of varying abilities and skills can come together, alongside a group of coaches and create something magical and achieve remarkable success is powerful. Teamwork.
I believe God had the same thing in mind for his church. In John 14, Jesus is talking to his disciples about what life will look like after He has been resurrected and he is no longer with them in person. Jesus tells them: "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father" (verse 12, NIV).
Not to make too much of a pronoun... but Jesus uses the word "they," a third person plural pronoun. The "they" is a group of individuals... doing great things... together! They will do greater things than Jesus.
God didn't design us to do life alone. He designed us to connect in community together, because finding your people changes everything!

Tags: community, connection, finding, teamwork