Thank You, Tony!

May 6, 2016

On May 1, 2016 Tony Hopkins led his last service as the primary worship leader for our Bloomington West location. Tim Thompson had this to say about Tony:

Serve God’s children—not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not in it for the money, but eager to simply serve; not taking advantage of those in your care, but being examples to them. (1 Peter 5:2-3)

Every so often you run across someone who is – in nearly every respect – worthy of being imitated. Several years ago I had the pleasure of being introduced to a man who became a good friend and a fellow laborer in ministry. He quickly became a valued and trusted member of the worship ministry I led, and when God saw fit to move me on, he stepped in and willingly took over that leadership position.  A few years later I found myself at Sherwood Oaks and was so happy to see my friend worshiping there as well. Tony Hopkins has time and time again been an integral part of the Sherwood Oaks Worship Ministry.  Sometime we get to share the stage and make music together.  I love those times. But for most of the past nine years, Tony has served in an adjunct worship leading position. First in the Fellowship Hall service, and most recently at Sherwood Oaks West.  He has been willing and eager to simply serve. And as such, he has been an excellent example to God’s children. 

Tony is stepping down from leading worship at Bloomington West for a while to spend more time with his wife and their two boys and their wives and an amazing grandson.  And while I don’t begrudge him this time away, I am looking forward to playing music with him again soon.  Thank you Tony for all the ways you have served me, this church and the community of God’s children. Enjoy hanging with Jensen!
