The Truth about Truth

May 16, 2014

The Truth about Truth – 3 John

I recall the first time I read John 8:33, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” I had just become a Christian, and the thought of being set free from the slavery of living a lie all my life made sense. Oh, what a feeling to be forgiven! But even after walking in truth, lies slip into life and tangle even the most sincere truth seekers. It happens to everyone. We all sin and fall short. But once we recognize the truth of our situation, admit the way through our struggle is to follow truth; it leads us to an experience of freedom that is so satisfying and so peaceful that it can even be hard to explain. Being able to say, “I’m walking in the truth,” is no small statement.

In 3 John, John explains truth so intimately that he personifies it as if truth were a person. Note the mindset: "love in the truth" verse 1, "walking in the truth" verse 5. Then, in verse 12, John is explaining to whom people should trust and follow, “Demetrius is well spoken of by everyone--and even by the truth itself.” It’s almost as if he’s saying, “Grab the hand of the one who is walking hand-in-hand with the one called truth. You can trust both of them with your life.”

There are so many times in life when things seem to get unraveled and we don’t know where to turn. Yes, we can go to people we love, and people in the church are willing to help. However, we still see people as people and it’s hard to open up the truth to just anyone. The irony of this is that we’re not really just turning to people; we’re turning to the one who is called “the Truth.” In John 14:6 he records Jesus words, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” When you’re stuck in the deceptions of life, Truth is there to listen and loosen the ties of those lies. Count on truth.

Living by the truth means talking about the truth, living by the truth and talking to the one called Truth—Jesus himself. 3 John teaches us to see specific people in our lives as those who wear the label of Truth. These are the people who walk in Truth, guided by the Holy Spirit of Jesus—the one called Truth. If you’re really seeking the truth in your life, then find the people called “truth” and allow them to speak truth into your life.

That’s the truth about truth. Do you know Him?

“Integrity is telling myself the truth.” —Spencer Johnson