To Whom do You Belong

Jan 23, 2014Tobin Wingard

Amidst this storyline of shipwreck and snakebites I discovered an incredible truth about the apostle Paul. He knew his true identity! If there ever was a man in the early church who could've boasted about his personal accomplishments, status, and religious intellect, it was the apostle Paul. Yet in spite of his impressive pedigree, his identity was secure in the One who owned him (Acts 27:23 "For this very night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood before me"). Consider the many identities Paul could have chosen to find either comfort or security in: A self-described Pharisee of Pharisees, a Roman citizen for which there was due proper legal process, an Apostle to the Gentiles, and a prisoner/victim of false accusations to name but a few. If you are a Christ follower, where do you find your true sense of identity? Are you blessed with material and economic security? Beware, this will never be truly sustaining. Are you exceptionally healthy and physically gifted? Beware, like the flowers of the field this will fade away! Do you possess what you consider to be superior intellect? This too will not last. Have you believed the lie that is is found in many of the recovery movements today that promote an identity associated with your sin and addictions? Never forget that your identity determines your destiny. While as a child of God you may certainly struggle against addictions, you were never meant to find your identity in those addictions. Instead of asking the question, "who am I", please dear child of God, ask the question, "who owns me"?. If you can give the same answer that the apostle Paul did, then storms, shipwrecks, and snakebites will never end your journey!