Titus 2
It is estimated that Americans spend $11 billion annually on self-help books. Walk into the Sherwood Oaks Bookstore alone, and it’s overwhelming. Thank God for wise people like Janet Wingard. She’s the one I go to for advice on all types of topics. Janet always asks the good question, “What are you looking for?” That’s a question worth a closer look.
Most commonly, people turn to self-help books to improve their relationships, marriages, parenting, finances, and careers. Authors of these books make great attempts to grab attention through the title—the key to moving that book from the shelf to self. Check out some of the more interesting titles, “The Commitment Book,” “Soul Centered,” “The Bliss Experiment,” “The Practicing Mind,” and who can resist Oprah’s, “Live Your Best Life.”
Are self-help books really helpful? Actually, they can be useful. It depends on your filter for receiving information, and what you choose to implement into your life.
When it comes to self-help, Paul’s letter to Titus gets my vote. Specifically, in chapter 2, there are loads of wise concepts by which to live. The difference in this self-help versus most, is the filter Paul uses. His perspective is always about putting God and the interest of others above your own. It’s about helping others, which ultimately helps you. For example, Paul states several times in Titus 2, “He wants and He wanted,” which are used as a measuring stick for Paul. It is also clear in this chapter, to whom the words to live by are directed, “Tell the older men… Teach the older women… Train young women… Help young men… Teach slaves…” all people are addressed.
Here are some pearls of wisdom from Paul to Titus;
2 Be worthy of respect, control yourself, have faith, love others, don’t give up.
3 Don’t tell lies about others, don’t let wine control you, teach what is good.
5 Take good care of your home, be kind, follow your husband.
7 Set an example, be honest and tell the truth.
9 Please your master, don’t talk back.
12 Say no to godless ways and sinful longings. Lead godly lives in today’s world.
15 Cheer people up and give them hope. Correct them with full authority. Don’t let anyone look down on you.
: 13 That’s how we should live as we wait for our Savior.
It’s your lucky day; you’ve just read some of the best self-help you can get. In 3 minutes you’ve saved yourself from buying a book, and sharpened the filter for the wisdom you implement into your life.