Coffee. Books. Computers.
Elan has been a deacon since 2006, and has attended Sherwood Oaks since 2003. He teaches the International Coffee Hours on Sundays, is part of the Global Outreach Team, and leads the International Furniture Give-Away every year. Elan and his wife, Rani, have been married since 1993 and have three great kids: Prasad, Sejal, and Kiran.
If he's not working with International Students or with his family, you can probably find him at the Indiana Memorial Union, the Pourhouse Cafe, or at Starbucks. He also fills his days watching his kids on the track or at the soccer fields. Elan enjoys books by Donald Bloesch and NT Wright, as well as The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg and A Theology of the New Testament by George E Ladd.
Favorite Verses: Matthew 6:33; Leviticus 19:33-34