July 17, 2014
Tom's Minute Message
Listen to Audio How good are you at keeping a secret? Hi, I'm Tom Ellsworth from the Sherwood Oaks Christian Church...
July 10, 2014
A Minute with Claudia (July 10)
Listen to the Audio Of all the birds in the world, the eagle holds the record for the largest nest. The National...
July 8, 2014
Deb's Lifeline
This week we talked about Philippians 4. Here's Deb P's Lifeline Story. Submit your story...

July 3, 2014
A Minute with Claudia (July 3)
Listen to the Audio Singin' In the Rain is one of my favorite songs. I picture Gene Kelly dancing and splashing...
June 29, 2014
Eric's Lifeline
What does Psalm 23 mean to you? Here is what it means to Sherwood Oaks member Eric P. Submit Your Lifeline Here:

June 26, 2014
A Minute with Tom (June 26)
Listen to the Audio On occasion, a forgotten a dollar bill in my pants pocket has survived a trip through the...

June 24, 2014
Karen's Lifeline. What's Yours?
We kicked off our Lifelines series on Sunday with this video feature Sherwood Oaks member Karen White. Watch it and...